Have you ever taken casual advice for your business from a friend, fellow businessman, accountant or even a consultant and having acted on the advice only to find that things ran worse than before?


Or, about the time your business was due for some changes or the next major step and you were considering how to go about it, have you ever had it suggested to you, that you're in the wrong business and should consider changing?


Advisors from large accountancy and consulting companies carrying enormous overheads, have to render services as a necessary incident to their businesses, which is the selling of more business --- forced on them by the owners. Yet others, like or feel compelled to give advice based on ill informed conditions about your company or sheer know-how boasting.


With us it is different. With low overheads, our sole business is to help you improve your business; because if we are successful you will use us again. We have to do a good job or close up. We are not interested in coaxing you to replace the one fad or latest business idea for another, keep you paying for ongoing services that hardly seems worth it, or in fostering the skilful propaganda that has made so many think that all businesses are alike and give advice without knowing your business, its intricacies, complexities or the solutions tried out before.


As a business owner, to always stay abreast of it all, having to keep your finger on all the pulses and be a specialist in every field, is truly an art, tiring, a catch 22 and virtually impossible.  Keeping your business in good health is not always easy, yet this is vital if you are to make your money out of it!


Don't be fooled into believing the cliches of accepting the status quo, having to stick it out, or having to sell it into the hands of some acquisition-hungry company who knows your company's true value and turns it into a profit centre.


With low overhead, our charges are quite reasonable and with personal, intimate participation in your business we come cheaper than an employee, yet at your beck and call and only when needed.  Our 30 plus years experience spans a wide variety of business fields, sizes of companies, is ideally suited as an advisor, whilst having a vested interest in your success.


You can have your business's health checked using our Business Health Check along with no obligation recommendations (worth $220) free of charge.  Once you and your business are ready to act on any of the recommendations for which you need help, we can sit down over formal proposals and a quote.  


More than thirty business owners have taken advantage of our free BHC offer and acted with success on its recommendations. Why not try it yourself?




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 Free Offer

Call or e-mail us NOW for a no obligations free consultation and assessment using our Business Health Check worth NZ$ 220 to see where you need to focus attention on your business so it can Strive, Succeed and Thrive.

Phone:               +64 211 527 969       


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